Monday, June 23, 2014

Classroom: Introducing a new product in Google Apps for Education

Happy Summer everyone!  Hope you had a great school year :)

I just received an email about a new, FREE, Google App for Education called Classroom.  I clicked on the link, read the info, and watched the video trying to figure out why this would be any better than the program we have now, Hapara Teacher Dashboard.  The verdict is in.....I was very excited to say the least!!  The BEST part is any assignment you share can have a due date and the teacher can close the assignment after that date.  But there are a lot of best parts.  It is completely linked to Google Drive for easy organization for teachers and students.  And the grading procedure.....AWESOME!!  It also looks like it has some type of classroom blog too!!  It isn't available yet but I did sign up for a preview and I'm hoping I can try it in the fall.  Follow this link, watch both videos (at the top and the bottom) and see what you think!

Here is a blog including a summary of Google Classroom.  I hope I get to try it out!!

Hope your summer is relaxing and rejuvenating (seeing this new app really helped me)!

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